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Formaldehid Silicic Acid Drying Machine Hubungi sekarang - The biogenic silica composing the cell wall is synthesised intracellularly by the polymerisation of silicic acid monomers.
Silika biogenik bahwa dinding sel terdiri dari yang disintesis secara intraseluler oleh polimerisasi monomer asam silikat. - It is much more important to the metabolism of plants, particularly many grasses, and silicic acid (a type of silica) forms the basis of the striking array of protective shells of the microscopic diatoms.
Ini lebih penting bagi metabolisme tumbuhan, terutama untuk rerumputan, dan asam silikat (suatu jenis silika) membentuk dasar deret kulit pelindung diatom mikroskopis. - These are primarily macronutrients such as nitrate, phosphate or silicic acid, whose availability is governed by the balance between the so-called biological pump and upwelling of deep, nutrient-rich waters.
Nutrisi-nutrisi ini terutama makronutrisi seperti nitrat, fosfat atau asam silikat, yang ketersediaannya diatur oleh kesetimbangan antara mekanisme yang disebut pompa biologis dan upwelling pada air bernutrisi tinggi dan dalam. - Mineral energy ball is a natural mineral.There are 18 kinds of trace elements including potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus constant elements and zinc, iron, selenium, copper, strontium, iodine, fluorine, and silicic acid
bola energi mineral adalah mineral.There alam 18 jenis elemen termasuk kalium, natrium, kalsium, magnesium, fosfor elemen konstan dan seng, besi, selenium, tembaga, strontium, yodium, fluorin, dan asam silikat